List of classical guitar concerts in the Los Angeles are: SoCal Events
MU420 Spring 2014 Weekly assignments
Week 1: The Spanish vihuela de mano
Read handouts on history of the classical guitar and on the 16th century Spanish vihuela
Play through the enclosed pieces.
facsimilies of original publications:
Milan: El Maestro (published in 1536) (large file)
Narvaez: Tres Libros (published in 1538) (large file)
Youtube listenings:
Milan: Pavana VI on vihuela
Milan's Pavanas on the modern classical guitar performed by Andres Segovia
an illustration of the pavane dance
Mille Regretz (4-voice motet) by Josquin des Prez
Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador) by Narvaez performed by Julian Bream on vihuela
Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador) by Narvaez performed by Andres Segovia on the modern classical guitar
Narvaez Guardeme Las Vacas on vihuela
Narvaez: Conde Claros, Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador), Guardeme Las Vacas on vihuela performed by Hopkinson Smith
vihuela de mano
Italian/Spanish tablature
dos dedos
Pavan (or pavana)
Luys Milan, Luis de Narvaez, Alonso Mudarra
MU420 Spring 2014 Weekly assignments
Week 1: The Spanish vihuela de mano
Read handouts on history of the classical guitar and on the 16th century Spanish vihuela
Play through the enclosed pieces.
facsimilies of original publications:
Milan: El Maestro (published in 1536) (large file)
Narvaez: Tres Libros (published in 1538) (large file)
Youtube listenings:
Milan: Pavana VI on vihuela
Milan's Pavanas on the modern classical guitar performed by Andres Segovia
an illustration of the pavane dance
Mille Regretz (4-voice motet) by Josquin des Prez
Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador) by Narvaez performed by Julian Bream on vihuela
Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador) by Narvaez performed by Andres Segovia on the modern classical guitar
Narvaez Guardeme Las Vacas on vihuela
Narvaez: Conde Claros, Mille Regretz (Cancion del Emperador), Guardeme Las Vacas on vihuela performed by Hopkinson Smith
vihuela de mano
Italian/Spanish tablature
dos dedos
Pavan (or pavana)
Luys Milan, Luis de Narvaez, Alonso Mudarra
Week 2: The Vihuela (continued) and the 4-course Renaissance guitar
Readings: read handout on the 4-course renaissance guitar
Play through the enclosed pieces
facsimilies of original publications:
4-course guitar pieces from Alonso Mudarra: "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela" This collection is mostly pieces for vihuela. (published in 1546)
Adrian LeRoy: "Premier Livre de Tabulature de Guiterre" for 4-course guitar (published in 1551) in French tablature. (large file)
Youtube listenings (vihuela):
Fantasia X by Mudarra on vihuela
Fantasia X by Mudarra performed on a modern classical guitar (note the capo on fret 2) performed by David Russell
Youtube listenings (4-course guitar):
An example of a 4-course reproduction guitar
Fantasia 46 by Fuenllana on 4-course guitar tuned to E (music included in handout)
music for 4-course guitar composed by Adrian LeRoy
music for 4-course guitar composed by Guillame de Morlaye
4-course guitar and a vihuela used in 16th century Spanish consort music. Youtube video is full concert.
renaissance guitar
French tablature
re-entrent tuning
Miguel de Fuenllana, Adrian LeRoy, Guillame de Morlaye
Week 2: The Vihuela (continued) and the 4-course Renaissance guitar
Readings: read handout on the 4-course renaissance guitar
Play through the enclosed pieces
facsimilies of original publications:
4-course guitar pieces from Alonso Mudarra: "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras para Vihuela" This collection is mostly pieces for vihuela. (published in 1546)
Adrian LeRoy: "Premier Livre de Tabulature de Guiterre" for 4-course guitar (published in 1551) in French tablature. (large file)
Youtube listenings (vihuela):
Fantasia X by Mudarra on vihuela
Fantasia X by Mudarra performed on a modern classical guitar (note the capo on fret 2) performed by David Russell
Youtube listenings (4-course guitar):
An example of a 4-course reproduction guitar
Fantasia 46 by Fuenllana on 4-course guitar tuned to E (music included in handout)
music for 4-course guitar composed by Adrian LeRoy
music for 4-course guitar composed by Guillame de Morlaye
4-course guitar and a vihuela used in 16th century Spanish consort music. Youtube video is full concert.
renaissance guitar
French tablature
re-entrent tuning
Miguel de Fuenllana, Adrian LeRoy, Guillame de Morlaye
Week 3: The Renaissance and Baroque Lute
Readings: read handout on the lute
Play through the enclosed pieces
Facsimilies of original publications:
Dowland. First Book of Ayres (large file) in tablature
Youtube listenings:
da Milano on Renaissance lute performed by Nigel North
Dowland's "Flow My Tears" for voice and lute
Dowland's "Come Again" for voice and lute
Dowland's "Come Again" performed by for voice and classical guitar David Leisner, guitar
Dowland lute Galliards on Renaissance lute performed by Paul O'Dette
an example of the galliard dance
S.L. Weiss on Baroque lute performed by Hopkinson Smith
S.L. Weiss on modern classical guitar performed by Julian Bream
Robert de Visee: Prelude and Allemande for theorbo
Vivaldi Lute Concerto in D on lute
Vivaldi Lute Concerto in D on a modern classical guitar performed by John Williams
An example of a Baroque Trio Sonata (with lute continuo)
Bach fugue in A minor on a modern classical guitar performed by Christopher Parkening
Bach fugue in A minor on Baroque lute
German tablature
trio sonata
caprice (capriccio)
Composers: John Dowland, Francesco da Milano, J.S. Bach, Silvius Leopold Weiss, Antonio Vivaldi
Week 3: The Renaissance and Baroque Lute
Readings: read handout on the lute
Play through the enclosed pieces
Facsimilies of original publications:
Dowland. First Book of Ayres (large file) in tablature
Youtube listenings:
da Milano on Renaissance lute performed by Nigel North
Dowland's "Flow My Tears" for voice and lute
Dowland's "Come Again" for voice and lute
Dowland's "Come Again" performed by for voice and classical guitar David Leisner, guitar
Dowland lute Galliards on Renaissance lute performed by Paul O'Dette
an example of the galliard dance
S.L. Weiss on Baroque lute performed by Hopkinson Smith
S.L. Weiss on modern classical guitar performed by Julian Bream
Robert de Visee: Prelude and Allemande for theorbo
Vivaldi Lute Concerto in D on lute
Vivaldi Lute Concerto in D on a modern classical guitar performed by John Williams
An example of a Baroque Trio Sonata (with lute continuo)
Bach fugue in A minor on a modern classical guitar performed by Christopher Parkening
Bach fugue in A minor on Baroque lute
German tablature
trio sonata
caprice (capriccio)
Composers: John Dowland, Francesco da Milano, J.S. Bach, Silvius Leopold Weiss, Antonio Vivaldi
Weeks 4 & 5: The Baroque Guitar
Readings: read handouts on the 5-course Baroque guitar
facsimilies of original publications:
Gaspar Sanz Method Book (large file)
Francesco Corbetta: "La Guitarre Royalle"
Robert de Visee: "Livre de Guitarrre"
Youtube listenings:
Sanz: Canarios on a modern classical guitar performed by Angel Romero
Sanz: Canarios on Baroque guitar
Sanz: Pavana on Baroque guitar
Sanz: Pavana on a modern classical guitar performed by Julian Bream
Robert de Visee Suite performed on a Stradivarius guitar
An illustration of rasguedo technique on a 5-string guitar
5-course guitar music composed by Francesco Corbetta
Campenella scale technique illustrated on the baroque guitar. Note the re-entrent tuning with the bourdons on the 4th and 5th courses.
baroque guitar
alphebeto notation
Baroque suite and it's common movements (Prelude, Allemande, Bourree, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue)
ornaments (trill, mordant, etc.)
cross-string trill
Composers: Gaspar Sanz, Francesco Corbetta, Robert de Visee
Weeks 4 & 5: The Baroque Guitar
Readings: read handouts on the 5-course Baroque guitar
facsimilies of original publications:
Gaspar Sanz Method Book (large file)
Francesco Corbetta: "La Guitarre Royalle"
Robert de Visee: "Livre de Guitarrre"
Youtube listenings:
Sanz: Canarios on a modern classical guitar performed by Angel Romero
Sanz: Canarios on Baroque guitar
Sanz: Pavana on Baroque guitar
Sanz: Pavana on a modern classical guitar performed by Julian Bream
Robert de Visee Suite performed on a Stradivarius guitar
An illustration of rasguedo technique on a 5-string guitar
5-course guitar music composed by Francesco Corbetta
Campenella scale technique illustrated on the baroque guitar. Note the re-entrent tuning with the bourdons on the 4th and 5th courses.
baroque guitar
alphebeto notation
Baroque suite and it's common movements (Prelude, Allemande, Bourree, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue)
ornaments (trill, mordant, etc.)
cross-string trill
Composers: Gaspar Sanz, Francesco Corbetta, Robert de Visee
Weeks 5 & 6 : The 19th Century Guitar (pre-Torres)
Readings: Read through handouts on the 6-string guitar, composers
Facsimilies of original publications:
Fernando Sor: Method for Spanish Guitar (1830) (English translation)
Dionisio Aguado: Nuevo Metodo para Guitarra (1843) (large file)
Youtube Listenings:
Luigi Boccherini: Quintet No. 4 for strings and guitar (Fandango mvt. starts at min. 11:54)
Sor: Study in b minor (performed by Julian Bream)
Sor: Variations on a Theme of Mozart (performed by Manuel Barreuco)
Sor: L'Encouragement, Op. 34 (guitar duo) on period instruments and period costume
Giuliani Guitar Concerto No 1. on a 19th century guitar (performed by Pavel Steidl)
Giuliani: Le Rossiniane (performed by Julian Bream)
Paganini: Grand Sonata for Guitar and Violin, 1st movement
Paganini: Grand Sonata (performed by John Williams on solo guitar)
an example of a Rene Lacote guitar (Divertisement in G Major by Napoleon Coste)
an example of a Stauffer guitar (Caprice No. 15 by Luigi Legnani)
Some 18th & 19th century guitar variants:
harpolyre (triple neck guitar). Sor wrote for the harpolyre
terz guitar (small guitar tuned a minor 3rd higher) Guiliani, among others, wrote music for the tera guitar
arpeggione (bowed guitar). Schubert wrote a sonata for the arpgggione.
Harp-lute (guitar with non-fretted bass stings off the fretboard)
theme and variations
sonata form
Rene Lacote & Johannes Stauffer
C.F Martin
ladder bracing
Luigi Boccherini, Fernando Sor, Mauro Guiliani, Nicolo Paganini
Readings: Read through handouts on the 6-string guitar, composers
Facsimilies of original publications:
Fernando Sor: Method for Spanish Guitar (1830) (English translation)
Dionisio Aguado: Nuevo Metodo para Guitarra (1843) (large file)
Youtube Listenings:
Luigi Boccherini: Quintet No. 4 for strings and guitar (Fandango mvt. starts at min. 11:54)
Sor: Study in b minor (performed by Julian Bream)
Sor: Variations on a Theme of Mozart (performed by Manuel Barreuco)
Sor: L'Encouragement, Op. 34 (guitar duo) on period instruments and period costume
Giuliani Guitar Concerto No 1. on a 19th century guitar (performed by Pavel Steidl)
Giuliani: Le Rossiniane (performed by Julian Bream)
Paganini: Grand Sonata for Guitar and Violin, 1st movement
Paganini: Grand Sonata (performed by John Williams on solo guitar)
an example of a Rene Lacote guitar (Divertisement in G Major by Napoleon Coste)
an example of a Stauffer guitar (Caprice No. 15 by Luigi Legnani)
Some 18th & 19th century guitar variants:
harpolyre (triple neck guitar). Sor wrote for the harpolyre
terz guitar (small guitar tuned a minor 3rd higher) Guiliani, among others, wrote music for the tera guitar
arpeggione (bowed guitar). Schubert wrote a sonata for the arpgggione.
Harp-lute (guitar with non-fretted bass stings off the fretboard)
theme and variations
sonata form
Rene Lacote & Johannes Stauffer
C.F Martin
ladder bracing
Luigi Boccherini, Fernando Sor, Mauro Guiliani, Nicolo Paganini
Week 7: Torres, Tarrega, Llobet, and Flamenco
Readings: read through handouts
Youtube listening:
Tarrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra (performed by Andres Segovia)
Tarrega: Capricio Arabe (performed by Segovia)
Tarrega: Preludes for Guitar (performed by David Russell)
Llobet: El Testament d'Amelia (performed by Julian Bream)
Llobet: La Filla del Marxant (historical recording 1925-1929. Folksong arranged and performed by Miguel Llobet)
Ramon Montoya
Paco de Lucia
flamenco puro in an informal setting: cante, toque, baile, and palmas
and another
and another in a concert setting
an example of flamenco golpe technique
an example of flamenco rasgueado techniques
artificial harmonics
puro flamenco
picado and ligado
common flamenco forms (soleares, alegrias, farrucas, bulerias, malenguenas, granadinas)
Antonio de Torres
fan bracing
Composers: Francesco Tarrega, Miguel Llobet
Readings: read through handouts
Youtube listening:
Tarrega: Recuerdos de la Alhambra (performed by Andres Segovia)
Tarrega: Capricio Arabe (performed by Segovia)
Tarrega: Preludes for Guitar (performed by David Russell)
Llobet: El Testament d'Amelia (performed by Julian Bream)
Llobet: La Filla del Marxant (historical recording 1925-1929. Folksong arranged and performed by Miguel Llobet)
Ramon Montoya
Paco de Lucia
flamenco puro in an informal setting: cante, toque, baile, and palmas
and another
and another in a concert setting
an example of flamenco golpe technique
an example of flamenco rasgueado techniques
artificial harmonics
puro flamenco
picado and ligado
common flamenco forms (soleares, alegrias, farrucas, bulerias, malenguenas, granadinas)
Antonio de Torres
fan bracing
Composers: Francesco Tarrega, Miguel Llobet
Week 8: Segovia and his Influence
Readings: read through handouts
Torroba: Fandanguillo, from Suite Castellana (performed by Andres Segovia)
Turina: Sevillana (Fantasia)
Turina: Sonata No. 1
Rodrigo: Concierto de Aranjuez (performed by John Williams)
Rodrigo: Invocation y Danza (performed by Xuefei Yang)
Rodrigo: Fantasia para un Gentilhombre (perfromed by Kaori Muraji)
Ponce: Sonatina Meridional (performed by Ana Vidovic)
Ponce: Suite in A minor (in the style of Weiss)
Villa-Lobos: Prelude No. 1 (performed by Andres Segovia)
Villa-Lobos: Etudes No. 1 & 2 (performed by Julian Bream)
Villa-Lobos: Choros No. 1 (performed by David Russell)
A. Barrios: La Catedral (performed by John Williams)
A. Barrios: Vals op. 8, no.4 (performed by John Williams)
sul ponticello
sul tasto
Composers: F. Torroba, J. Turina, J. Rodrigo, H. Villa-Lobos, M. Ponce, A. Barrios
Week 9: Progressive Compositional Trends. Guitar in the 21st Century
Readings: read through handouts
Manuel DeFalla: Homaneje a Debussy (performed by Oscar Ghiglia)
Frank Martin: Quatre Pieces Breves
Arnold Schoenberg: Serenade
Ernst Krenek: Suite for Guitar
Benjamin Britten: Nocturnal pt. 1 (performed by Julian Bream)
Leo Brouwer: La Muerte del Angel (performed by Leo Brouwer)
ToruTakemitsu: On the Edge of a Dream for guitar and orchestra (performed by John Williams)
Eliot Carter: Changes for solo guitar
Manuel Enriquez: Tres Instantaneas (performed by Buzz Gravelle)
Marek Pasieczny: The Flight of Kikuidataki (performed by Marek Pasieczny)
Steve Reich: Electric Counterpoint, part 3, for 12 guitars and 2 basses (performed/overdubbed by Pat Metheny)
extended techniques
Composers: A. Schoenberg, B. Britten, L. Brouwer, T. Takemitsu
Week 10: Transcriptions. Final Projects
A. Corelli: Gigue (transcribed by Baroque Spanish guitarist Santiago de Murcia) (performed by Paul O'Dette)
F. Schubert: Standchen (transcribed by 19th century guitarist J. Mertz) (performed by Marcin Dylla)
F. Chopin: Mazurka in b minor Op. 33, no. 4 (transcribed by F. Tarrega)
J.S. Bach: Chaconne (transcribed and performed by Andres Segovia) part 2 of the video
I. Albeniz: Asturias (Leyenda) (performed by John Williams)
I Albeniz: Asturias (original piano version)
C. Debussy: Claire de Lune (performed by Ida Presti and Alexandre Lagoya)
C. Debussy: Claire de Lune (original piano version)
M. Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition (transcribed and performed by Kazuhito Yamashita)
N. Paganini: Caprice No. 5 (performed by Eliot Fisk)
F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 (performed by the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet)
P. Glass: Mishima Mvt. VI (performed by the Dublin Guitar Quartet)
A. Corelli: Gigue (transcribed by Baroque Spanish guitarist Santiago de Murcia) (performed by Paul O'Dette)
F. Schubert: Standchen (transcribed by 19th century guitarist J. Mertz) (performed by Marcin Dylla)
F. Chopin: Mazurka in b minor Op. 33, no. 4 (transcribed by F. Tarrega)
J.S. Bach: Chaconne (transcribed and performed by Andres Segovia) part 2 of the video
I. Albeniz: Asturias (Leyenda) (performed by John Williams)
I Albeniz: Asturias (original piano version)
C. Debussy: Claire de Lune (performed by Ida Presti and Alexandre Lagoya)
C. Debussy: Claire de Lune (original piano version)
M. Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition (transcribed and performed by Kazuhito Yamashita)
N. Paganini: Caprice No. 5 (performed by Eliot Fisk)
F. Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 (performed by the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet)
P. Glass: Mishima Mvt. VI (performed by the Dublin Guitar Quartet)