MU336-01 Guitar Fundamentals
Spring 2018
mu336-01_gravelle_spring_2018_syllabus.doc |
Guitar class observation report guidelines (extra credit assignment):
gravelle_mu336-01_s18_syllabus_addendum.docx |
Week 1: Introduction. Notes on strings 1 and 2. 1-finger open string chords
Group1: 1-finger chord progression: | G | Gmaj7 | G7 | C |
Mel Bay method book pgs. 1-19
Group 2: Full chords: | G | Gmaj7 | G7 | C | right hand variations: strum with thumb, forward and reverse roll with fingers
Mel Bay method book pgs. 1-19
Group 3: Mentor student evaluation sheets due Monday of week 2.
Group1: 1-finger chord progression: | G | Gmaj7 | G7 | C |
Mel Bay method book pgs. 1-19
Group 2: Full chords: | G | Gmaj7 | G7 | C | right hand variations: strum with thumb, forward and reverse roll with fingers
Mel Bay method book pgs. 1-19
Group 3: Mentor student evaluation sheets due Monday of week 2.
Week 2: Notes on string 1 and 2 (through Mel Bay page 31). Selected open string and bar chords.
Group 1: practice melodies up through pg. 31 in open position. Use a pick to pluck notes. Alternate down/up with 8th notes.
Group 2: practice melodies on pg. 31 in both open position and 5th position. Use alternating index-middle fingers, classical style, to pluck the notes. Then practice the same melodies with a pick. Alternate down/up with 8th notes. Practice strumming chords for Etude (bottom of pg. 26).
Group 3: practice assigned duets
Barrier test no. 1: (groups 1 and 2 only) Monday of week 3
You are responsible for the following:
Both groups 1 and 2: accurately play the chord progression from week 1. Group 1: strum the chords as quarter notes with the right hand thumb. Group 2: use the three right hand patterns shown in class during week 1)
Group 1: pg. 26 melodies in open position. Use all downstrokes with the right hand thumb.
Group 2: melodies in open position and also in 5th position (frets 5-8). Use alternating index-middle right hand plucking, classical style.
Group 2: strum the chords to Etude (bottom of pg 26). Use right hand thumb downstums, strum quarter note rhythm.
Group 1: practice melodies up through pg. 31 in open position. Use a pick to pluck notes. Alternate down/up with 8th notes.
Group 2: practice melodies on pg. 31 in both open position and 5th position. Use alternating index-middle fingers, classical style, to pluck the notes. Then practice the same melodies with a pick. Alternate down/up with 8th notes. Practice strumming chords for Etude (bottom of pg. 26).
Group 3: practice assigned duets
Barrier test no. 1: (groups 1 and 2 only) Monday of week 3
You are responsible for the following:
Both groups 1 and 2: accurately play the chord progression from week 1. Group 1: strum the chords as quarter notes with the right hand thumb. Group 2: use the three right hand patterns shown in class during week 1)
Group 1: pg. 26 melodies in open position. Use all downstrokes with the right hand thumb.
Group 2: melodies in open position and also in 5th position (frets 5-8). Use alternating index-middle right hand plucking, classical style.
Group 2: strum the chords to Etude (bottom of pg 26). Use right hand thumb downstums, strum quarter note rhythm.
Week 3: notes on string 3 (through Mel Bay pg. 37) Selected open string chords.
Group 1: play all melodies in open position. Practice both with a pick and classical style alternating right hand index and middle fingers.
Group 2: play all melodies in open position and 5th position . Practice both with a pick and classical style alternating right hand index and middle fingers.
Group 3: practice assigned duet/trio.
Group 1: play all melodies in open position. Practice both with a pick and classical style alternating right hand index and middle fingers.
Group 2: play all melodies in open position and 5th position . Practice both with a pick and classical style alternating right hand index and middle fingers.
Group 3: practice assigned duet/trio.
Week 4: notes on the first three strings (through Mel Bay pg. 37) Selected open string chords
Group 1: warm-ups: G mixolydian scale. G major scale. Open position. Right hand arpeggio warm-up
Group 2: warm-ups: G mixolydian scale, G major scale, C major scale all in 5th position. Right hand arpeggio warm-up
Group 1: pgs. 33-37 open position
Group 2: pgs. 33-37 open position and 5th position. Handout: El Noy de la Mare" (learn both parts)
Group 1: warm-ups: G mixolydian scale. G major scale. Open position. Right hand arpeggio warm-up
Group 2: warm-ups: G mixolydian scale, G major scale, C major scale all in 5th position. Right hand arpeggio warm-up
Group 1: pgs. 33-37 open position
Group 2: pgs. 33-37 open position and 5th position. Handout: El Noy de la Mare" (learn both parts)
Week 5: notes on there first three strings continued. Selected open string chords
Group 1: one octave C major and G major scales (alternate picking with a pick or alternating right hand i-m). Open position
Group 2: one octave C major and G major scales (alternate picking with a pick or alternating right hand i-m). Open and 5th position
Group 2: El Noye de La Mar, top part
Group 1: one octave C major and G major scales (alternate picking with a pick or alternating right hand i-m). Open position
Group 2: one octave C major and G major scales (alternate picking with a pick or alternating right hand i-m). Open and 5th position
Group 2: El Noye de La Mar, top part
Week 6: notes on string 4. New right hand strumming patterns
Groups 1 and 2: Barrier exam No. 2
Group 3: first draft of ensemble piece due
Groups 1 and 2: Barrier exam No. 2
Group 3: first draft of ensemble piece due
Weeks 7-10: Notes on Strings 5 and 6. Selected open string chords. More advanced right and left hand techniques.
No class Monday of Week 10 (Memorial Day)
No class Monday of Week 10 (Memorial Day)
Final concert Program:
Shadow of the Bull
Charlotte's Web
Red River Valley
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Penny Lane
El Noy de la Mare (assigned level 2 duet)
Mozart (assigned level 3 duet)
Final: Monday, June 4th 9:10 am-11:10 am.
Final barrier exams during 1st hour of final. Concert during 2nd hour.
Shadow of the Bull
Charlotte's Web
Red River Valley
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Penny Lane
El Noy de la Mare (assigned level 2 duet)
Mozart (assigned level 3 duet)
Final: Monday, June 4th 9:10 am-11:10 am.
Final barrier exams during 1st hour of final. Concert during 2nd hour.